My roommate borrowed my vibrator — I had to move out


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May 02, 2023

My roommate borrowed my vibrator — I had to move out

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Only bad vibes here.

A horrified Miami woman has gone viral on TikTok for accusing her roommate of taking her vibrator in the "spookiest experience" she's ever had.

"It was just an odd experience to go through, definitely a first and hopefully the last," Max, who declined to share her last name, told The Post on Saturday.

Posting under the user name @modmaxxx, the 30-year-old pulled in more than 3.2 million views from this month's three-part saga, as she shared her version of unfortunate events she says resulted in her quickly moving out.

She claims she made the stomach-churning realization earlier this month when she returned home from visiting her family. She said she appeared to surprise her roommate, but didn't think anything was suspicious and headed to bed.

"I wake up, and I go to my bedside drawer. I open my drawer, and this is where my vibrator always is," she explained on TikTok. "Suddenly, it's not there."

She couldn't believe her trusty "womanizer" toy was missing, as it was "always there." She said she tore her room apart in a desperate attempt to find it, to no avail.

After 45 minutes of deliberation, she made the daring decision to check her roommate's quarters.

"I go to her bedside drawer and open it — and my vibrator's there," she said, convincing herself her own is simply misplaced. "I think she must have the same brand, same color."

"I don't think anyone could ever do anything like that," she added.

Activating panic mode, she recalled frantically texting her friends and sister for advice.

One of her pals reportedly told her to mark the vibrator with a dot of eyeliner and snap a photo. If that one was returned to her, then she would know for sure.

Max said she slipped away to a coffee shop when her roommate came home, to give her a chance to return the vibrator to its rightful place.

Max claims when she later checked her own bedside drawer, the vibrator with the black dot of eyeliner was magically there.

"All I know is that I don't feel safe anymore, like who am I living with? I just want to get out of there," Max declared in a subsequent clip, noting that other items had gone missing before mysteriously reappearing.

In hysterics on the phone with her parents, Max was persuaded to send a text to her roommate, who allegedly immediately denied the accusations and tried to pin it on one of her friends.

"I feel honestly sick at this point, like this is so f–king weird," Max continued.

"Now, not only am I living with this weirdo who did that, but now she's lying," she added, not identifying the roommate by name.

Curiosity got the best of Max, who said she Googled the roommate, claiming to find a page of incriminating information about her family — including a photo of the woman stamped with the word "liar."

"Now I’m like, ‘Woah, who the hell have I been living with?’" wondered Max, whose parents helped her move out the very next day. She said they even called the police to monitor her swift exit to ensure nothing bad would happen.

After packing up her belongings, Max reports bidding the roommate farewell in a final text and advising her to never contact her again.

"You framed me. I’ve been thinking about it, and you put it in my room because you wanted to break the lease early," the roommate, who is reportedly in law school, allegedly replied.

The "crazy story" prompted disgust and shock from TikTok users.

"The worst is wondering how often she's been using it," one viewer noted.

"This is so FOUL what an absolute violation," commented another flabbergasted person.

"I’m SICK," someone else said.

"THAT HAPPENED TO ME!! Mine didn't have any batteries at the time and then when I found it in her drawer there were BRAND new batteries," one user shared.

"Good reminder to google EVERYONE," advised another.

"This is the craziest story I’ve ever heard," one baffled user wrote.

Prompted by her brother, Max decided to detail the "crazy" experience on TikTok, never anticipating so much feedback.

The "biggest argument" in the comments, she told The Post, centered on her decision to inform her parents about the case of the missing vibe.

While "half of TikTok thought it was bizarre I told them," she said, "the other half was supporting me and saying they’d do the same."

Following the alleged incident, Max said she stayed with a friend who had a spare room available.

She claims she was never actually on the lease to begin with — the pair had allegedly come to an agreement that Max could stay for six months — until she was due back in Canada.

Since her swift departure, Max says she hasn't heard a peep from the ex-roomie and has "blocked her on everything."

"I’m totally fine now," she assured. "For weeks I played out the situation over and over and questioned the last five months and [what] else could have been happening, but I’ve decided to just move forward and let it go."

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